Homeless Management Information System


The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a comprehensive database designed to collect and manage client, program, and service-level data across a Continuum of Care (CoC). Local service providers utilize HMIS to support individuals and families who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This system enables providers and CoCs to effectively track and report on project-wide and system-wide data. Additionally, HMIS facilitates collaboration among local organizations, allowing them to share information about client services to enhance service delivery.

The information collected by the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) serves several critical purposes:

  1. Tracking Client Services: HMIS allows service providers to monitor the services received by individuals and families experiencing homelessness, helping ensure that clients are connected to necessary resources.

  2. Data Analysis and Reporting: Organizations use the data to analyze trends, measure outcomes, and generate reports that inform funding decisions and program effectiveness.

  3. Resource Allocation: The insights gained from HMIS data help CoCs and service providers allocate resources more efficiently and identify gaps in services.

  4. Collaboration: By facilitating the sharing of client information among local organizations, HMIS promotes coordinated care and a more seamless service delivery experience for clients.

  5. Policy Development: Data from HMIS can inform policy and program development at both local and national levels, guiding strategies to address homelessness.

  6. Compliance and Evaluation: HMIS helps organizations comply with HUD requirements and evaluate the effectiveness of their programs, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement.

Each CoC is tasked with selecting and designating an HMIS Lead organization, which is responsible for establishing, supporting, and managing HMIS in accordance with HUD’s standards for data quality, privacy, and security. The specific responsibilities of the HMIS Lead are outlined in 24 CFR 578.7(b).

There are various HMIS software solutions available, and each CoC, through its HMIS Lead, must select a software solution that complies with HUD's data collection, management, and reporting standards. The Merced CoC selected Clarity Human Services provided by Bitfocus as its HMIS software.

HMIS Lead Agency

Merced County Community Action Agency (MCCAA) is designated and contracted as the HMIS Lead for the Merced City & County Continuum of Care (CA-520).

  • City of Los Banos

    Dr. Jennifer Jones Foundation

    Healthy House

    Merced County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services

    Merced County Community Action Agency

    Merced County Human Services Agency

    Merced County Office of Education

    Merced Rescue Mission (Mission Merced Inc)

    Sierra Saving Grace

    WestCare SSVF

HMIS Documents


  • The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is database used to collect and manage client, program, and service level data across a CoC.

  • HMIS is accessible to registered homeless service providers that operate within the Merced CoC geographical area.

  • HMIS is administered and managed by the CoC's designated HMIS Lead Agency. The HMIS Lead contracts with a HMIS software provider for user and agency licenses.

  • The information collected by the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) serves several critical purposes:

    1. Tracking Client Services: HMIS allows service providers to monitor the services received by individuals and families experiencing homelessness, helping ensure that clients are connected to necessary resources.

    2. Data Analysis and Reporting: Organizations use the data to analyze trends, measure outcomes, and generate reports that inform funding decisions and program effectiveness.

    3. Resource Allocation: The insights gained from HMIS data help the Merced CoC and service providers allocate resources more efficiently and identify gaps in services.

    4. Collaboration: By facilitating the sharing of client information among local organizations, HMIS promotes coordinated care and a more seamless service delivery experience for clients.

    5. Policy Development: Data from HMIS can inform policy and program development at both local and national levels, guiding strategies to address homelessness.

    6. Compliance and Evaluation: HMIS helps organizations comply with HUD requirements and evaluate the effectiveness of their programs, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement.

    Overall, the information collected by HMIS plays a vital role in improving services for those experiencing homelessness and enhancing the overall effectiveness of community responses.

  • Homeless service providers that operate locally within the Merced CoC geographical area may request access to HMIS by submitted a completed New Agency/Program Setup Form to bob@ctagroup.org. Please note that agency and user licensing fees my apply.