Local Housing Projects

Types of Housing Projects

A Continuum of Care (CoC) is a comprehensive framework designed to address homelessness and housing instability. In order to do so, the CoC will support various local housing projects and services aimed at providing a range of support options. The following is an overview of the most common housing projects within a CoC:

  1. Emergency Shelter (ES): A temporary housing facility that offers immediate accommodation for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. This project aims to provide a safe environment for rest and access to essential services while individuals and families work toward securing more permanent housing solutions.

  2. Transitional Housing (TH): A short-term housing facility that offers accommodation for periods ranging from several months to up to two years. This project is designed to assist residents in achieving stability through a range of supportive services and resources. Additionally, transitional housing facilitates the transition to permanent housing by providing residents with the skills and resources necessary for long-term success.

  3. Rapid Re-Housing (RRH): A housing intervention designed to quickly move individuals and families experiencing homelessness into permanent housing. This is done by providing a combination of hosing navigation, case management, and financial assistance such as application fees, security deposits, and rental payments for up to 24 months.

  4. Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH): A long-term housing intervention that typically includes rental assistance and ongoing supportive services for individuals experiencing homeless with a disability or those experiencing chronic homelessness. This program provides a comprehensive array of on-site or accessible supportive services, such as case management, health care, job training, and life skills education.

  5. Supportive Services Only (SSO): A program that provides case management and supportive services without housing. The program assists individuals in accessing resources, improving skills, and navigating housing options.

  6. Homelessness Prevention (HP): Initiatives aimed at preventing homelessness before it occurs, with services such as rental assistance and mediation. This program aims to stabilize individuals and families at risk of losing their current housing.

These projects work together within a CoC to provide a holistic approach to preventing and addressing homelessness, ensuring individuals and families have access to the support they need.

Our Local Housing Projects

According to the 2023 Housing Inventory Count, the Merced City & County Continuum of Care (Merced CoC) had a total of 647 year-round program beds, including 374 in Emergency Shelters, 80 in Transitional Housing, 160 in Permanent Supportive Housing, and 33 in Rapid Re-Housing. This total reflects various projects managed by multiple service providers. Below, you will find information on several local housing projects in the Merced CoC geographical area.

Merced CoC Projects

“D Street” Shelter

A 50 bed, low-barrier, congregate emergency shelter.


A 95-unit dedicated affordable housing complex funded by Homekey.

Merced County Projects

Navigation Center

A 76 bed, low-barrier, congregate emergency shelter.

County Distributive Housing

A 5 unit (35 bed), non-congregate, residential emergency shelter program.

Unincorporated Distributive Housing

A 3 unit (18 bed), non-congregate residential emergency shelter program.